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Online Curriculum Guide

Develop a fully digital, interactive online curriculum guide for your school or college, with auto population of subject pathways and final subject selection across all year levels.

What schools are saying:

“The staff at Tenison Woods College have created an online curriculum guide that will assist families to gain a deeper understanding of the rich learning opportunities presented at the college.”

“Outstanding features”

“… see a pathways flowchart that clearly shows where your child is at and where they are going.”

Adelaide, South Australia

Interactive Online Curriculum Guide for SA Schools

Proven. Powerful. Customised.

Does your school need an Online Curriculum Guide?

The Boylen-developed Online Curriculum Guide is suitable for private and public schools and colleges. It easily accommodates multiple campuses and sub-schools.

As a digital guide, it can be integrated with most website content management systems (CMS), including WordPress, Squiz Matrix and WebTemplate, to name a few. It also works seamlessly with other educational systems, such as Edval.

Online curriculum guides do away with the need for large, printed guides that require students to manually flip from page to page and then write (or draw) their pathway. That old method is hard to construct and makes it very difficult to look at a variety of options.

The digital alternative is faster and intuitive. Pathways can populate over multiple years at the click of a button and a subject selection form (“wish list”) custom developed for each year level can be created automatically.

Schools also save on the cost of printer flyers and books that are required to explain each subject. This solution moves all of that online in digital format that is highly interactive, not just a static pdf.

Top Level Overview of the Online Curriculum Guide

Tenison Woods Online Curriculum Guide 2025 is resource for students to see subject pathway options, enabling them to plan their learning pathways from Year 7 to Stage 2, Year 12.

Once the student logs in, they see a summary of information based on their year level.

They can then choose their subjects, with set parameters for the number of core (compulsory) subjects and elective subjects that can be chosen at that year level.

A visual flow chart shows the student how a certain subject would fit in a multi-year plan to achieve a specific graduation and/or university outcome for a specific career. Alternative pathways can also be seen with a simple click.

These choices then populate the student’s personalised subject “wish list”.  Depending on the year level, compulsory subjects are pre-filled on this wish list.

This list can be shared with parents, teachers and counsellors in digital format, or it can be printed off.

Some schools stipulate that the subject list cannot be submitted to Edval until it has been approved by each subject teacher.

Online Curriculum Guide In Detail

Boylen’s digital curriculum guide allows students to access detailed information on each subject. This content is chosen by the school but might include:

  • Description
  • Credits involved if they are a SACE subject
  • Length of course
  • Year level availability
  • The learning area (or category)
  • Prerequisites
  • Whether it is a core subject or a specialist/elective subject.

These elements can be collapsed on the page, so that only a heading is shown for navigation.

We find that by using drop downs and expandable sections, it avoids having too much content showing at first view, which can be overwhelming.

Visual Display

A great feature of our online curriculum guide curriculum software is that it visually displays the pathways for subject categories or areas. Think of it as a flowchart.

For example, a year 10 student may be considering year 12 English as part of their pathway.

Year 10 English would be displayed in a primary colour at the start of the pathway. The future years pathway would show that Year 10 English is a prerequisite for stage one, Essential English in year 11, and then stage two, Essential English in year 12.

Users can click another pathway – such as Literary English – and view what is required for that.

Because of the way information is displayed, the entire process is easy and intuitive.

Continuing our example, the student may choose to do year 10 English and add this to their wish list.

Subjects that are added to the list can also be moved or deleted.

Automation Of Pathways

A year seven student who is interested in Italian can look at the subject pathway all the way through to graduating and going on to university. But they doesn’t have to piece together the pathway.

Boylen’s system automatically shows them clear connections between subjects and pathways.  The logic pre-fills those connections and visually displays the pathways based on the subject and year level that a student is in.

So, too, can their parents and other advisors.

In summary, it’s a powerful tool and the way of the future. And no other company is developing school online curriculum solutions quite like this.

Websites for Schools FAQ

Will Boylen’s online curriculum guide software prevent disallowed subject selections or combinations?

Yes, it will. We can set these preferences for each school.

How are compulsory subjects handled?

The wish list is set up with each school’s requirements for every year level, and this cannot be changed by students.

For an example, the wish list may be pre-populated with compulsory English, mathematics and science subjects. The remaining four slots for that year are available for the student to add their optional subjects.

We can custom configure this logic and your rules to suit your needs.

Will our online curriculum guide be designed to match our school branding?


We take your branding and style guide and our web designers ensure that colours, fonts and styling match your website, so that one complements the other.

When you are in the curriculum guide, you can elect to set up the school logo to be clickable to return the user back to the school website’s home page. Or not. It’s your choice.

How tested is this system?

We have been developing and evolving the online curriculum guide software for seven years, starting with Tatachilla Lutheran College.

Many schools have put on their website a series of static pages with links to documents for curriculums. Other schools have built out curriculum information pages within websites.

But they lack the deep flexibility to plan online, play with different options and pathways, and the ability to digitally choose subjects, which automatically builds a wish list. This is functionality and the logic that underpins it is something unique.

What schools use Boylen’s online curriculum guide?

Boylen manages over 120 (CHECK) school websites, mainly in South Australia but also ion NSW and the Northern Territory.

These schools are now adding an online curriculum guide as part of their continuous improvement process.

Well-known schools and colleges using a digital curriculum guide include:

  • Cardijn College
  • Blackfriars Priory School
  • Tenison Woods College

UPDATE: The latest is Tenison Woods College, which is receiving ‘rave reviews’. Click here to watch a video of Tenison Woods’ online curriculum guide

What are some of the highlights of the Boylen solution?

  1. Our design is clean and uncluttered.
  2. The navigation is very clear.
  3. Our logic, such as elective rules logic, is constantly being upgraded.
  4. Boylen’s designers have greatly improved the pathway flowcharts. In earlier iterations, it was less detailed than the current version. Today it allows users to interact and show them clear connections between subjects and pathways.  The logic pre-fills those connections and shows the pathways based on the subject and year level that a student is in.

Does this online curriculum guide come “out of the box”?

No. While the basic structure is the same, each school is different in the way it wants its online curriculum guide to function.

We listen to your needs and preferences, and then provide consultation to work out the best solution.

Our aim is to provide an easy-to-use tool that allows flexibility within the school’s parameters.

How does a student add a subject to their wish list?

The online curriculum guide has been developed so the student simply clicks on the ‘select’ (or similar) button and it automatically adds it to their list.

Does the online curriculum guide link with our school’s timetable system?

Yes, in most cases this is possible. (We’ve yet to encounter a system we can’t ‘talk’ with.)
This means that the school can automatically plan both student timetables, but class timetables for multiple year levels.
In the case of Edval, our digital guide creates a pathway to the Edval login.

What feedback have you had?

There has been very positive feedback from both teachers and students.

Students find it much easier to plan digitally, compared to with printed guides because in this digital age they are used to being on computers and learning digitally, rather than being forced to use a rigid PDF or book.