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Marketing in a crowded market 

    The downside to being passionate about your profession or business is that you can get too emotionally attached to how wonderful it is. You may be blind to you own “purple cows”. The next time you are in your car, I want you to think of cows and trees. To be specific, purple cows and ‘wrong trees’. Many of you will understand instantly what I am alluding to; it’s the concept of your organisation standing out in a crowd, in… 

    Online insights – Keys to success

      Unsurprisingly, word-of-mouth remains the most influential factor in advertising recall. People will follow a recommendation from someone they know and trust far more willingly than they will an enticing advertisement. It’s called “social proof”, and it’s a vital component of any marketing or advertising endeavour. It is valuable to look interstate, overseas and at other sectors to learn how they operate online and adapt best practice to suit the automotive industry. ShineWing Australia’s Hospitality Insights Report contains a lot of… 

      Content Marketing in the Digital Age

        Content marketing is nothing new. Whether it’s a cave painting from 4200 B.C. titled “6 ways a spear can save you from wild boar”, sales posters on papyrus written in Egyptian hieroglyphics, or the birth of the “soap operas” in the 1940s, brands have been spreading their message through image or word since before any of us were born. The question is this:“Has the digital age changed the way brands market themselves?” The short answer is:“…not really!” Be it a… 

        Can Digital Get More Patrons Into Your Pub?

          As a hotel owner, it’s your never-ending challenge to get patrons through the door. The challenge in 2016 will be balancing your efforts between traditional marketing practices and the new wave of internet-based marketing tools. How can you use digital technologies to communicate your benefits to patrons? In August 2015, ShineWing Australia released Hospitality Insights Report, a collection of findings based on a survey of hoteliers and patrons across Victoria. The survey set out to answer: “What makes licensed hotels… 

          Why not? Disruptive industries and the new economy

            Three consecutive stories on ABC 24 last Friday night cast a clear light on the “new economy”. First I caught Elysse Morgan on ABC Business, interviewing the head of the world’s richest sporting team, namely Real Madrid’s Emilio Butragueno. A man who starred on the field at a time when the internet did not exist, he is now comfortable with the idea of Google bidding for broadcast rights against the powerhouse media players like Fox.Asked if he could see the…